
Bird Gard®

The Bird Gard® system broadcasts digitally recorded, actual bird distress and predator sounds through high fidelity speakers. All sounds are fully selectable and programmable for customized operation and reduced habituation. 

Bird Gard® utilizes the innate power of the natural survival instincts of birds to effectively repel them.  Digital recordings of distressed and alarmed birds, along with the sounds made by their natural predators are broadcast through high fidelity weather-resistant speakers.  This triggers a primal fear and flee response.  Pest Birds soon relocate to where they can feed without feeling threatened.

Bird Gard® Super Pro
Bird Gard®

Bird Gard® Super Pro

$825.00 / Each

Mobile Bird Gard®
Bird Gard®

Mobile Bird Gard®

$850.00 / Each

Bird Gard® Pro
Bird Gard®

Bird Gard® Pro

$265.00 / Each

20 Watt Solar Panel
Bird Gard®

20 Watt Solar Panel

$275.00 / Each

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