Holiday Schedule
To celebrate the new year, Reed-Joseph will close at 3:30 Tuesday December 31 and reopen at 8:30 Thursday January 2. Happy New Year!

After being based in Greenville, Mississippi for more than 68 years, Reed-Joseph has relocated its headquarters to Brevard, North Carolina. The transition has been many years in the making, and the effective date is Monday, March 28th. We will not Continue Reading »

The Scare-Away LP Gas Cannon versus The Zon Propane Exploder: A Comparison
If you are ready to buy a propane cannon to scare birds, it would be wise to compare products. There are a variety of propane cannons on the market for different needs. We strongly believe that the Scare-Away LP gas Continue Reading »

Collisions between aircraft and wildlife cost the aviation industry billions of dollars per year worldwide and have caused the fatal loss of hundreds of passengers and crew. Many high-profile events have made international news, but the vast majority of strikes Continue Reading »

Bird Control and Management on Sanitary Landfills
Birds are intelligent creatures, often persistent, stubborn, and difficult to manage. However, targeted programs designed to limit access to food, water, shelter and other resources, combined with active dispersal techniques, can prevent them from causing economic, safety, and health conflicts Continue Reading »

Managing Gulls to Mitigate Nuisance, Health, and Safety Risks
Managing Gulls to Mitigate Nuisance, Health, and Safety Risks There are at least 55 species of gulls (often incorrectly referred to as seagulls) worldwide. Ten different genera of gulls are currently recognized. They occur on every continent and are often Continue Reading »
Canada Geese: A Mixed Blessing
Everyone is familiar with the ubiquitous Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), but not everyone is happy with the current numbers of geese present throughout the United States and Canada. Urban populations of resident, or non-migratory geese have exploded in recent decades, Continue Reading »

European Starling
The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) was introduced from Great Britain in 1890 in an effort to bring all species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare to North America. Approximately 60 individuals were released into New York City’s Central Park. Continue Reading »
LP Gas Cannons and the Scare Wars® System
The use of LP gas cannons to supplement bird and wildlife control efforts in an integrated program can be a very effective mitigation strategy if used properly. While all other standard measures such as habitat management, exclusionary structures, and use Continue Reading »